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IDOCs » Exploration with children of 7 years old
In this class I try to work on the fundamentals of contemporaray dance: space, time, qualities of movement, contact, improvisation... For that I use images and opposite movement qualities.

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1/ Start in a circle:

-         2 by 2: We are going to make a pie on the partner’s back: knead the dough, roll and spread it, put cream, then strawberries, sprinkle sugar. In the oven!

-         In the « butterfly » position : relax the back / grow up, shake the legs, roll up and down, each action on 8 counts

-         On the sit bones: relax the back / grow up, flex/point, walk on the sit bones, come back, each action on 8 counts.

2/ Move in the room, occupying the whole space, staying on the floor, always using different body part touching the floor.

3/ Divide the room into 2, symbolising 2 countries: “the floor country” and “the air country”. Dance from a country to another, so pay attention on the way you pass the border, find a transition!

You can develop this country game with other qualities: staccato/flow, quick/slow, light/heavy….

4/ Walk and follow the beat of the percussion.

5/ Walk - roll up and down (each action on 8 counts, then 6-4-2).

6/ Skipp – statue – melt on the floor – move on the floor (8 counts each).

7/ 2 by 2: * 1 into a statue / 1 “pierces” the holes (=sharp movement)

* Then 1 into a statue / 1 “caresses” (=flow movement)

8/ Back to a circle: lay on the floor, holding hands, we make a “magic circle”: a first person presses the hand of his neighbour, who presses the hand of his next neighbour, etc.



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Francesca Oliviero // Teacher
Dear Magdali
I have not found many docs about children contemporary dance class, thus I appreciated your idoc a lot, thanks!
I live near Ravenna (Italy) and I am a contemporary dance teacher I have classes with 7-9 and 9-13 years old chidren. With other two teachers/dancers/coreographers I have founded a researc group about contemporary dance teaching, we share methods and ideas about techincal and creative topic. Keep in touch if you like! my email is
best regards

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Kornelia Huemer-Kals Eligible Member // Teacher
I like the concrete ideas for the dance work with children of you. I appreciate giving pictures to immerge in and differenciate characters in dance, as well as in making music and playing theater

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