user avatarDefne Erdur Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarNita Little // Teacher
user avatarAngélique Willkie // Teacher
user avatarTali Serruya Eligible Member // Teacher
and 28 more (show all)
IDOCs » Politics of Form[lessness] - Teaching Form[less]? - 2015
This idoc is to be created collectively by Nita Little and the participants of the session "Politics of Form[lessness] during the 3rd IDOCDE Symposium - Teaching Form[less]?

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Please keep on adding your reflections; i.e. notes, images, videos, any kind of "outcome" that you would like to share following the "intake" of this session.

If you were a participant but you do not exist as a co-author please contact Defne Erdur from your account here or directly to the mail  to be part of this collective idoc.

Video © franzi kreis,

the politics of form lessness

The Politics of Formlessness MG 6796
The Politics of Formlessness MG 6795
The Politics of Formlessness MG 6792
The Politics of Formlessness MG 6799
The Politics of Formlessness MG 6804

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