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Sanna Myllylahti Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » Teaching in VITLYCKE/LEAP intensive/TAB
Here is a description of my teaching in Vitlycke, 3.-5.7.2015

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Teaching at LEAP intensive in Vitlycke  3.-5.07.2015


Here is some material from my teaching in Vitlycke LEAP INTENSIVE/TAB.


I was invited to teach contemporary class and movement exploration for the professionals for 3 days, 3 hours a day. This was a very compact time frame and I chose as a format to work with set excercises /movement material. The given material was taken as a base for exploring different kind of strategies in relation to the space and to the inner state of being.  In the video enclosed you can see an exploration, where the all the dancers have as a base the same material but they explore the material  following their own interests and qualities, while listening and maybe picking up some impulses from the others. It was interesting to see how the personal voices of different participants came out in a choice of movement and composition. With some more time, the next step could have been to swap material with someone else and see how it would transform again layering with the new interests and new qualities.


It was agreed that one of the evenings I was to give a workshop for the local  participants.

I got to spend an evening with a group of women in different ages, from different back grounds and I decided that we would make a performance in 3 hours. And what a performance it became!!!

 I wanted to do something what would not require too advanced of physical skills, something that could allow the women become empowered in their bodies, going into what they have and what they know and take this as a starting point, everybody working for themselves.

 We started with a small warm up where we did some exercises waking up first the sensorial systems working with the liquid systems based on body mind centering. With this as a base we proceeded moving in the space, still keeping the inner eye focused on the qualities of the different liquids. This kind of work was received with the great enthousiasm, and we decided to go on with a sensing body and an alert mind.

I proposed - what I thought was- a wild idea of making an instant choreography, by using score and chance operations as a compositional system. The room was filled with energy as these women took over the studio/stage. I must say that it was really beautiful to see and feel the willingness to commit to a task. I was very much reminded, what it is to be open for ideas, open to try things without fear and enjoying whatever comes up ! This was a wonderful experience, thank you Vitlycke!

Here are some photos of the workshop!








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