user avatarMartin Streit Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarColleen Bartley // Teacher
user avatarJoana Chicau // Teacher
user avatarEszter Gal Eligible Member // Teacher
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IDOCs » MTD Residency Left-overs: Articulating the ephemeral, the dance between language, movement and the unspoken
MTD Residency Vienna 2018

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Articulating the ephemeral, the dance between language, movement and the unspoken 

Saturday 13:45-15:00 Studio 1

Moving and reading through the chaos, constantly changing and adapting to the environment and structures that regulate our bodies and movements provide a smorgasbord of potentials of co-creation, re-creation, articulations, and cross-referencing.

With: Colleen Bartley, Joana Chicau, Eszter Gál, Johanna Nielson, Agnes Schneidewind, Martin Streit

Please see, read the process documentation for having more insight into the work, will be shared during the Symposium.

Colleen Bartley (UK) is an independent disabled dance artist based in London. She teaches, organizes and dances CI and co-edits Contact Quarterly’s Newsletter.  She is passionate about lineage, dance history and she documents dance and works creatively with archives. She is committed to social justice and resourcing people with creative tools.  She has taught dance to a people of different ages and abilities is involved in collaborative arts events. She holds a Community Dance diploma from The Laban Centre and a degree in Dance and Education from Swarthmore College.

Joana Chicau (PT) is a graphic designer, creative coder, researcher - with a background in classical & contemporary dance - currently based in The Netherlands. She runs a transdisciplinary research project which interweaves media design and web environments with performance and choreographic practices. Chicau has been researching the intersection of the body with the constructed, designed, programmed environment, aiming at in widening the ways in which digital sciences is presented and made accessible to the public. She has been actively participating and organizing events with performances involving multi-location collaborative creative coding/ algorithmic improvisation, open discussions on gender equality and activism.

Eszter Gál is a dancer and teacher, currently at the University of Theater and Film Arts in Budapest, traveling & teaching (SRT, CI, improvisation, and composition) internationally since 1998. She is one of the co-founders of IDOCDE. She is a certified Skinner Releasing Technique teacher and works with a mixed ability Company, Tánceánia. The core of her interest is somatic-based movement research, improvisation, performance and community work for dance education.

 Johanna Nielson (AT) wants to dance about questions. She studied contemporary dance and dance pedagogy in Linz. Johanna's work involves dance and movement, videos, spoken words, and Rap. She creates fluid formats, in which various roles encounter and perceptions are challenged. Amongst others, she performed with Oleg Soulimenko, Claire Levèfre, Florentina Holzinger, Peaches and Keith Hennessy or Julia Danzinger. As pedagogue, she is motivated to facilitate whole-body-experiences and experiments. She got the DanceWEB scholarship at ImpulsTanz 2017, is working for Im_flieger - Independent Artists’ Association and a member of ttp/WUK.

Agnes Schneidewind (AT/BE) studied philosophy at the University of Vienna and followed further education in choreography, performance art and somatic practices in Antwerp and Brussels. She has collaborated with Hazim Kamaledin, Eve Bonneau, Benjamin Vanderwalle and others. In her work, she is investigating relationships, mechanisms of translation, and the production of meaning in diverse realities through exploration and creation of performative, collective and fictional spaces. More info:

Martin Streit works in the Media Department at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. He is technology coordinator for IDOCDE and researcher in the REFLEX Europe project. In the Motion Bank project, he was the coordinator for the Piecemaker development.


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