user avatarMartin Streit Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarDefne Erdur Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarDeirdre Morris // Teacher
user avatarMelina Seldes // Teacher
IDOCs » MTD Residency Space Between the Question and the Answer
Instant where information - stimuli, sensations, comprehension, meaning making - meet our flesh and bone. We are “here”: hunting, gathering, cultivating, excavating, dancing — the body, bodies, networks of bodies, collection and collectivity, sites of learning and unlearning… Now.

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During the MTD Residency in Vienna Patrick, Viktorija, Deirdre, Melina and Defne have been working around scores, methods, practices that come from their personal practices. Inquiring the potential of Interview, Self-interview, Story Telling practices they were investigating different formats of conversing and sharing. They were discovering a methodology (a potential methodology) emerging as they were at work. They will be sharing their practice, this emerging methodology at work during this 2 hours. They are ready to take the challenge of sharing, demonstrating their process as they hope to move on in the process in real time.



Melina Seldes (AR) is an international performance artist, researcher and teacher, based in Buenos Aires. She founded a non-profit organization in 2009 (LEM, line in movement) that promotes dance and the dialogue between dance and other disciplines; amongst its activities exchanges programmes, residencies for developing artistic research, conferences and performances. The core lays in the relationship between body/ action behavior and language. She studied dance and choreography at ArtEZ Institute for the Arts (EDDC), Arnhem, NL, and completed an MA in Physical Theatre at Royal Holloway University, London in 2007. 

Patrick Faurot (US/DE) is an American choreographer, director, musician and pluri-disciplinary performance artist. Until arriving in Gießen, his productions since 2014 focused on researching experimental opera, combining elements of contemporary dance theater with classical and new music. His current interests are in flux. Faurot studied mathematics and physics at Columbia University in New York City and is currently completing his Masters in Choreography and Performance at the Institute for Applied Theater Studies in Gießen.

Viktorija Ilioska (MK/DE) is a performer and choreographer from Macedonia. She is doing her MA in Choreography and Performance in Gießen, Germany after she finished her bachelor degree in the Faculty of Music Arts in the department of contemporary dance pedagogy in Skopje, Macedonia. Her interests are the forms of provocation in performing arts and the research on the movement of sub-body, distortion, and difference. She is quite sure that we should build more space for weakness in this world and she keeps repeating that.

Deirdre Morris (US) is a performing artist, dramaturge, choreographer, and educator working in the US and abroad. She is the Executive Director at Earthdance MA/USA, and a working member of Dancing Earth, NM/USA. She founded, The Forgotten Body Remembers in 2010 as a site for researching somatic based practices in education and performance. Her work spans the mediums of dance theatre and site specific installations interested in the reciprocal generation and documentation of culture, bridging personal narrative and collective memory. She received her MFA in Interdisciplinary Dramatic Arts and Performance Studies from the University of California Davis in 2014. 

Defne Erdur (TR/FR) is trained in Contemporary Dance (PhD), Sociology (MA), Intermodel Art Therapy, Body Therapies, Meditation, and Trauma Healing (SEP). She has been regularly teaching at ImPulsTanz, MSGSU Istanbul State Conservatory, ElimSende, ÇATI-Contemporary Dance Artists Association and CI-Turkey besides supporting WINPeace and Beyond Borders initiatives. Invested in building safe, inclusive, and collaborative creative environments she performs and offers workshops around the world. Defne is the co-founder of IDOCDE and editor of


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