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Laura Faguer // Teacher
IDOCs » Class proposal Stolzenhagen
This class is a improvisation guided by sound the movement connected with the sound What relationship is there between the sound and movement? Find a sensitive exchange between our perceptions and our actions 90 min or 120 min

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2/2:  a person is lying on his back, eyes closed, relaxed, available, the other takes sound objects like a pebble, aluminieum paper, newspaper, elastic ...his voice.... bodypercu... and approach to his partener and makes him listen to different sounds (more or less close to his ear to play on the volume)

he person is lying in a bath of sounds and lets pass through his perceptions

When he feels, he starts to move by the provocation of a sound and guided by its, lets himself be carried by his perception.

The sound produced by the partner becomes the score for the dancer, he can increase, making a sound intensive, very sweet... play with different qualities to change a dancer, to give the material....To be in interacting together

Change roles

After, we can enter into an improvisation where the roles are confused, change as you want.

Feedback with you partener and the group

It's possible to do the same thing in a natural environment with the naturel sound, take time to listen and move only when the sound calling you to go in the movement.


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