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Malcolm Manning Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » Feldenkrais ATM class - Turning around the axis
This a Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement class that helps bring awareness to how we organise around the vertical axis

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Turning Around The Centre Axis Lying On The Back – This ATM is built up from simple movements of turning the head, pelvis, shoulder girdle and eyes. The class begins and ends with the simple reference movement of rolling the head left and right. As it progresses it explores more and more complex co-ordinations, particularly those involving differentiated movements of the eyes which are very challenging for everyone.

The reorganisation that takes place in this class is often expressed as a clearer sensation of the vertical axis, feeling taller, lighter or heavier, greater ease in turning, smoother walking. I find this a great class to teach to a group where not everyone is familiar with the Feldenkrais Method. The simple component movements are pleasurable in themselves and can be used to introduce various principles of the method.

The class begins lying down on your back with both legs long (or bent with the feet standing if you have some issues with the lower back)

This is intended for person use - please do not try to teach this yourself to group!

Turning around the axis
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