user avatarLouise Chardon // Teacher
user avatarAnouk LLaurens Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarEva Maes // Teacher
user avatarIñaki Azpillaga // Teacher
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IDOCs » Anouk Llauren's class - Stolzenhagen
Exploring with the 2 sides of touch + drawing feedback environnement

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IDOC Type:
IMG 0959
IMG 0961
IMG 0962
IMG 0963
IMG 0964

Descriptive doc

1/ Experiencing the double side of touch

2/ Drawing your experience

3/ Installation

1/ Experiencing the double side of touch

 a) by pairs (framed to the hand and for arm). A partner is touching, exploring, the B is receiving touch (A's environnement of exploration).

> with eyes closed, then with eyes opened (distance of focus, relation to the object (hand and for arm) and/or act (touching).

> focus of A is on the environnement (B)

b) by pairs (framed to the hand and for arm). A is touching, exploring, B is receiving touch(A's environnement of exploration).

> with eyes closed, then with eyes opened (distance of focus, relation to the object (hand and for arm) and/or act (touching).

> focus of A is on the sensation of the touch (A focuses on his/her ownself).

> exchange roles

> repeat the exploration with a spot in the room. Choose a specific space in the studio you feel interested into exploring. No wandeling, choosing one spot and staying with it. Staying connected to what you choosed and investigating it in depth.

 2/ Drawing - Memory of the experience

Translate the sensation of the experience into a gesture that would make a drawing. 

Subjective transcription

I was curious to see how other explore. To observe their investment, interest, concentration, how it fluctuates and transforms through the process of the exercise.

Also, I'm trying to define what it means to be a contemporary dance teacher.

What are we learning? What are we teaching?

I am at this point interested in getting to know the other. Their search, their strategies, their doubts, resistances, innocence...

To read their physical and psychological shifts, tone in their attentions.

What do investigations experiences give us? What do they teach us? what do we search in them? What do we intend to reach through them?

More depth? more consciousness, more humanity? more expressivity? more identity? more universality?

Anouk stays simple and gives very simple informations in appropriated moments (importance of rythm) : bringing attention on personal comfort, personal interest, breathing, to the contact with yourself, with the environnement, etc.

Perceiving dif. qualities of presence in perceiving. dif. psychologies in perceiving.

I start to observe where the participants are in their presence : above in their mind, in front or out of them, with more or less depth, in jugemental mind, centered, in their simplicity, complexities, etc 

I left the time pass and continued watching ... I start drawing, transcribing the tone, the sensation , the rythm, the texture of what I observe.

And sometimes just suspend my hand, suspend my mind and just breath, and smile.

Louise Chardon


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