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Anouk LLaurens Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » Documentation as a reflexive tool for movement and composition awareness
The aim of the class is to train perception and composition awareness through the dialogue between a sensorial exploration and its documentation. We will take the “two sides of touch” score from Lisa Nelson as daily movement practice. We will document this practice with drawing, filming, writing and talking scores. Participants will circulate between all modes and uses them as reflexive tools to unfold their movement and performance awareness. The multi-sensorial and polyphonic documentation built up along the week, will operate as a feedback system: Students will understand and communicate their point of view through the documents they will produce. In that way they will share their knowledge and teach each others.

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1- We will take the “two sides of touch”, a score by Lisa Nelson as a daily movement practice. (The three first videos of this document presents "the two side of touch" will repeat this practice every day and observe how repetition is a mean for changes and discoveries.


a -Two people sit in front of each other. One person offers her forearm as a stable environment. The other uses her hand to explore the offered environment, or uses the environment to explore herself. She alternates exploring with eyes shut and eyes open.


b - They change role.


c - Both persons continu being the environment and the explorer at the same time.The exploration that’s started with the hand and in a limited area expands to the entire body.



2- We will document this practice with drawings, filming, writing and talking scores. Each class will focus on a documentation mode. The documentation will be made from an internal and external point of view. Participants will circulate between all modes and uses them as reflexives tools to unfold their movement and performance awareness. Along the week they will build up a multi-sensorial and polyphonic documentation that will operate as a feedback system: Students will understand and communicate their point of view through the documents they will produce. In that way they will share their knowledge and teach each others.


a - We will play with drawing scores inspired by Julien Bruneau’s project” phréatiques”. The drawings will be individual and collective. They will be based on touch, vision, imagination and kinaesthetic memory. (To have access to this link you have to be logged in your Facebook account).


b - For the writing mode, we will address three levels of awareness that are, physical, emotional and imagination using the score, “I see, I feel, I imagine”.


c - For the video documentation we will work with simple limitations like, moving or being stable, filming while doing or watching, considering the camera as an extension of the body, focusing on details, following personal interest, filming the same subjects with several cameras.


d -We will make  interviews, reports and record conversations.




For more informations about Lisa Nelson's work:




Participants should have their personal note book.

They can also bring video camera, tablet or any video/ sound recording instrument.



Technical requirement

Black ball pen

Drawing paper

Video camera


Video projector


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