IDOCs » From chôra to chor(e)ography
Is a very short historical journey touching upon Plato’s notion of place/space, contemporary feminist interpretations of space, and in a lateral space, a nod to chor(e)ography. Originally conceived as an event intersecting dance with architecture, the IDOCDE symposium now deals with place and space oscillating between the physical place of the body and digital spaces. This lecture and conversation tills some of the ground to open this conversation. Maybe we will realize in the end that all choreography is place-based thinking? (Tuesday 2020 07 21 (atlantic) ++ Wednesday 2020 07 22 (pacific) by Kerstin Kussmaul

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i took the text offline to rework it as it was written for oral transmission...

please come back later or write me with any questions,


thank you



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dages juvelier keates // Teacher
can't wait to read it- a fabulous genealogy!

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