00:42:10 Nita Little: Thank you Dierdre
01:07:01 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh - occupied Tewa territory: My Grandmothers Hands
01:07:20 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh - occupied Tewa territory: Resma Menikem
01:09:36 Kerstin Kussmaul: i have a question for deirdre
01:16:14 Defne Erdur: I find the work of Resmaa Menakem (Therapist and trauma specialist with embodied approaches and specifically dealing with issues around 'race') very much connected to our practices and very relevant to our recent conversations. I though you'd be interested in listening to him. (if you don't already know him).
here a link to a podcast with him talking
here 2 links where he actually offer his practice & some tools
https://onbeing.org/blog/race-and-healing-body-practice/ (this is a simple & short one to listen after the podcast)
On his website he offers a free 5 parts practice course https://www.resmaa.com/
there is one section specific to 'white body trauma' .
01:18:59 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh - occupied Tewa territory: “Sand Talk, How Indigenous Thinking Can Save The World” Tyson Yunkaporta
01:19:55 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh - occupied Tewa territory: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zaW1wbGVjYXN0LmNvbS9BdUF4SF9CZg/episode/NTEyZjQyNDQtNzBiMi00Yzg4LWEwYzktZTIyNTQ2ODU2ZjAw?hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwibkfTC1uTqAhXpITQIHS1JBbgQieUEegQIBRAO&ep=6
01:20:26 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh - occupied Tewa territory: Whoops that is a link to the On Being interview with Resma Menakem and Robin D’angelo
01:22:01 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh - occupied Tewa territory: Here is a link to Tyson interview:
01:22:04 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh - occupied Tewa territory: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5rFo2hLvWHVuwTAtrKIpWM?si=3Eme6f1UTMakjkt493g0YQ&fbclid=IwAR1dtzvorBCYHcTcbExLT-4fwJs0enKnWrjr2KE4P7g4uO0q6UWdgchL4cw
01:33:54 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh - occupied Tewa territory: For those that just joined us we are napping for next 15 minutes.
01:34:06 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh - occupied Tewa territory: Please join us if you would like too.
01:34:45 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh - occupied Tewa territory: We will ask you to turn on your videos for the discussion that will come after that.
01:35:03 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh - occupied Tewa territory: If you do not wish to join the discussion you are welcome to step off and rejoin for the next session in 50 minutes.
01:35:19 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh - occupied Tewa territory: Thank you!