02:35:35 Defne - Lyon France: If you can, please donate to the 2020 IDOCDE symposium. all the proceedings of the donations will go to compensate the lecturers and hosts for their time and the effort they put into this. we are specifically looking for donations to support those lecturers and hosts with lower or no regular income and members of the BIPOC community. we are conscious of the risk all the lecturers and hosts took when approaching the symposium, knowing that our budget this year was in your capable hands. thank you for your understanding and your generosity.
02:41:47 Sonja Bologna Italy: Sorry, my connession it's not good now.
02:47:33 colleen: I was just thinking about how important rest is … thanks!
02:49:13 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: Performing their fatigue
02:49:23 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: Reclaiming more support
02:49:46 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: Perfomantive force of napping in public space
02:49:54 Susan Sentler: manifesto of rest
02:54:18 pavleheidler (they/them): @thenapministry
02:54:24 pavleheidler (they/them): (instagram)
02:54:39 pavleheidler (they/them): https://thenapministry.wordpress.com
02:57:25 pavleheidler (they/them): Sand Talk: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/45449501-sand-talk?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=adIuSxT53M&rank=1
02:57:30 Laura, Sweden: That was beautiful - the changing of the orientation.
02:59:26 Susan Sentler: do you want us to document in the moment?
02:59:54 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: Document in the moments before and after the nap/rest
02:59:55 lo, Toronto, Canada: Yes document anything from your experience
03:00:02 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: Or during
03:00:17 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: But do give yourself time to truly rest and not think about documenting
03:00:54 lo, Toronto, Canada: … but the rest is more important than the document… myself at first I got preoccupied by the action of documenting. So we recommend you prioritize the rest.
03:06:02 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: We are taking a moment to prepare the body for a nap..then we will nap til 15 after the hour..then we will regather and go into breakout rooms to share our discoveries...
03:13:42 pavleheidler (they/them): (please return at 10 after the hour)
03:54:50 Susan Sentler: who was the person you mentioned deirdre napping with the balls in his hand?
03:55:10 Nita Little: Buckminster Fuller
03:58:07 Laura, Sweden: This was WONDERFUL. Thank you so much
03:58:31 Susan Sentler: really lovely and needed….thank you all so much! x
03:58:42 colleen: Fannie Sosa and nub Acosta Siesta Negra
03:58:46 Sonja Bologna Italy: Thanks all! Have a nice night or day. For today this was my last session...see you Tomorrow at 1 Pm.