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stephanie maher // Teacher
IDOCs » SECOND HAND recycle me! performance texts
please try this!send us a text, steal or borrow a text, Share the authorship of your thoughts and potential performance masterpieces in becoming part of a living library of our extended performance community of ideas, improvisations and collaborations.

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A second hand shop for performance texts

The PORCH performance text LIBRARY


recycle your performance texts now !


Recycle, reuse, reinterpret, re-inspire, release, rewrite, reward those who are not afraid to surrender their precious writings, performance rants, those pages from your journals sitting in dusty boxes, or the many texts taking up too much space on your laptops. Do not forget those lonely poems secured inside a piece of already performed material you will never get the opportunity to do again. Share the authorship of your thoughts and potential performance masterpieces in becoming part of a living library of our extended performance community of ideas, improvisations and collaborations.


Please send us a performance text that you would not mind sharing with the world of potential performers. It may be a text you have used or not used in performance already, it may be a piece of writing that helped contextualize a piece of your work, it may have been a free write from the creative process, it may be a finished product with set movements and theatrical props, it may be a text that is to become the next award winning musical production!



How it works:

Send us a performance text you will share with the general public

In the comment box, let us know you were here, what you have stolen or borrowed and please give us your email address.

Send back the new recycled text documents to by May 2013

All recycled documents are valid. ( sounds, songs, performance video clips, text rewrites etc.)they will be placed in the recycle library.

Please describe any requirements, restrictions or suggestions how your text shall be recycled.

July 2013 PRESENTING Recycle text festival. We will present the different recycled performance pieces and art work at ponderosa . let us know if you would like to participate or information about our 2013 summer at ponderosa .



Why share your texts? More details.......


A learning tool for people who are interested in weaving written material into their performance making work.

Letting go of set mind frames.

Active reorganizing of words in relationship to movement,images and soundscapes.

Using unfinished products and finishing them.

Independent performance tutoring by using experienced/professional performers texts

Turning meaning, situations upside down.

A generator of multidisciplinary documentations.

dialogue with your fellow artists and performers.


A teaching tool for improvisational thinking. Using the distribution of this performance text exchange as an active method against prioritizing hierarchal teaching methods, copy write, academic writing and how we create authorship around artistic works.It is also a way to incorporate the embodied knowledge that often arrises out of immediate writings inspired after moving experiences, the creative process, or the inspiration of improvisational sessions infusing the performance communities.



Suggestions/ information around your document.

You may or may not answer these questions- you may send in your text anonymously!


Was this text ever used in a performance?

How was this text used in performance?

Where and when was it performed?

Who performed it?

If not, what did you imagine would be the life of this text?

Are their restrictions about using this text? ( only for woman only for dancers etc....)


More details below how the texts might be used.



One text is picked randomly, 8 people create a piece in a day to the same text. We use it as a dialogue,our interpretations, positively and or critically sharing our differences of approach to the text.


Situation 2.

a semi famous or established and successful teacher/ performer/ choreographer releases any attachment to a piece of work to be reused. We see this as a way of accepting the possible younger, more immature, unorthodox, radical, risky or unskilled outsider to use our work and possibly destroy all it's creditation or validity..... without it disturbing our reputation or attachment to the work. We share our work without creating a hierarchy, that our work is more intelligent(?) or more sophisticated.(?).etc..


Situation 3

We find texts that relate to our own issues around politics, the body, the world that push and extend us into an area we could not create or write ourselves. We use this text to push us to learn and to develop our own work further, to see our range, standpoint in the community. We use this to connect and diverge away or towards,more directly, in what we value and believe.



We use this as a dialogue, a communication devise, a process, a network, we recreate, perform, discuss, throw away, give away, begin again. A chain of connected ties, and histories, of teachers and students, a lineage of thoughts, contexts where we stretch our actual ability to be in the same room together, without needing to find funding to work with respected teachers or performers, to live vicariously through each others words and thoughts.


Situation 6


To collect, to make a library, to have somewhere to share our work, to realize something was meant to be out into the world, not meant to die in a box, on the stage or on our laptops.






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Andrea Keiz // Teacher
Dear Steph - are you still working on this? Still gathering?
I realized that it would be great if the perfromace texts from you and Jess for example would be linked to this one.

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