IDOC Type:
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- FULL NAME: Sybrig Dokter
- PHONE NUMBER:+46739819913
- TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: multiple bodies
- DETAILED CONTENT DESCRIPTION (150 words or more):In this workshop I want to explore improvisational structures and how they are processed in ourselves. Partly our way of navigating thorugh the structure, actions and re-actions, is determined by the score or rules of the structure, but what we do in 'the holes' of the score is determined by a whole number of other factors. Some of it is a result of how we have tuned our mind-body in the preparation for doing the score and other influences are the way we trained, our artistic views,what we ate for breakfast but beside that we also create a 'body' collectively. The body that materializes, is the body that rules behaviours and interpretation of the (choreographic)material, relations between the performers amongst eachother, of performers with audience and between performers and site.
I would like to work in a series of improvisational structures and have time for doing, watching and discussing.
- SUMMARY OF CONTENT DESCRIPTION A workshop covering improvisational structures or scores that focus on speaking and moving
Sybrig Dokter is a choreographer,performer and teacher. She received her dance education at Codarts in Rotterdam, London and New York. Sybrig works as a choreographer and performs in other peoples projects. Her teaching and performing have taken her to the Baltic countries, Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, Scandinavia and Great Britain. During the fall of 2013 she was a member of Weld Company in Stockholm. Recent projects are ‘I believe(something happens)’ during festival:display and performance in Peter Stamer’s FYEO in Berlin, Vienna and Stockholm.
- AIMED AT WHO participants of the symposium with a dance or theatre background, max 20 people
- TIME REQUEST: 2 hours
- TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS : sound equipment
- SPACE NECESSITY (studio size etc): studio of ca 120 sqm