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Benno Voorham Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » HOME, working with children from children homes
A presentation of the didactical methods that were used in the project HOME, a project in which a group of dancers worked with groups of children from children homes in Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus. As a part of the presentation we will look at a 23 minutes long documentary that was made of the Ukrainian project.

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Deadline for Proposals: January 31st, 2014


- FULL NAME:   Benno Voorham

- PHONE NUMBER:   +46-8-57024301



- DETAILED CONTENT DESCRIPTION (150 words or more): The project HOME took place in 2012/2013 in Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus. A group of dancers, a museum pedagogue and me (Benno Voorham) worked in each of the three countries with teenagers that live in children homes. We conducted dance and visual art workshops in which we worked with different questions regarding our and the children their perception on what home could mean. The process of work with the children resulted in a one-hour long performance that toured each country extensively. 

We will look at a 23 minutes long documentary that was made of the project in Ukraine after which we will discuss the didactic methods and materials that were used during the project. As much of the material that found its way into the performance was developed through improvisation, we will look into these improvisational principles. Another topic that I would like to discuss are the social circumstances that were surrounding the project and how they influenced the project.

For more information on the project go to:

- SUMMARY OF CONTENT DESCRIPTION (max 60 words; for publishing)  A seminar on the didactic methods and social circumstances of the project HOME, a project in which children from children homes worked together with dancers, a museum pedagogue and a choreographer to create and tour a performance. The project took place in Moldova (2012), Ukraine and Belarus (2013). Look at:                                                                                                                                                                           

- SHORT BIOGRAPHY (max 60 words for publishing (if co-taught all in all max 60 words) Benno Voorham is an international performer, choreographer and teacher from Holland, living in Stockholm since 1995. Since his graduation in 1986 from the School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam he has worked internationally as an independent dance-artist, directing his own work as well as collaborating with others in both set and improvised pieces.



-  TIME REQUEST:            60-90 minutes                                                                                                                                                       

- TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (audio, beamer etc): beamer with speakers                                                                                                                                                                                  

- SPACE NECESSITY (studio size etc): possible to darken the space for video presentation

__________________________________________________________ Thanks!!!                                                                                                                           


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