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Martin Streit Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » [FFTD] Centric Circle Movements
Centric circle movements as a barometer, as a visual meter, a beginning start into the TEACH ME(NOT)! 2ND IDOCDE SYMPOSIUM ON CONTEMPORARY DANCE EDUCATION

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Andrea Fäh Eligible Member // Teacher
Hi Martin,

That looks really cool. Thank you for putting this film on this site.


Andrea Fäh

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Anouk LLaurens Eligible Member // Teacher
great Martin!

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Anne Garrigues Eligible Member // Teacher
Hi Martin, and all the wachers of the film,

Yes thanck you to remind us the circle
Recently, I worked in my dance class with the principle of condensing/ expending. It was a hug time sharing with the group the possibility to find slowly a rhythm to condens to the center and expande in space. It was without leader. Just a spacial breathing in conncection to the others. Best Anne

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