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Ryuzo Fukuhara // Teacher
IDOCs » Feedback 1: following the session
In order to share the information of the exercises which I led in Teach Me (not), I describe them again. These are the tools for improvisation.The improvisation can be considered as a kind of choreography which is initiated by various motives.

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A) Imitation

Two trainees face each other with standing position in a good distance in which they can see the whole bodies in sight. One is a leader who makes movements, and another is an imitator who imitates the leader’s moves. What is the most important for this exercise is that there is no time delay between two moves, the leader’s and the imitator’s. When we do this work, we would unconsciously compete against each other, like the leader would begin to challenge the imitator as a competitor. So the leader should be conscious of this fact, not competing but sharing. The leader opens his/her idea of the next move in the movement, each of the movement should have its sign in the previous movement. When the leader noticed that the imitator does not follow exactly or there is delay, he/she should solve it in the moment, by waiting or by indicating the difference and so on. As if the leader possesses the imitator’s body from inside. The imitator always forecasts the next move from the leader’s previous movement. The imitator’s moves can be as if he/she imitates the leader’s future movement. In other words, the imitator’s movements are followed by the leader.

B) Energy trace

A trainee (tracer) stands in front of his/her partner. The tracer images/visualizes flow of the energy which is radiating from the partner's body. It is arbitrary, whatever the tracer can image. Then he/she follows the visuals by whole body. He/she can choose any ways to follow the visualizations. The visualizations of energy flow should be connected with the tracer’s partner's presence. The partner is basically standing still, but possibly can feel kind of induction by the tracer’s movement. In other word, the movement following the visualization of the partner’s energy flow would be considered as a characteristic of the partner. The characteristics of the partner become motives for movements.

C) Visiting house

The trainee imagines partner's body as a house in which he/she can find some levels of floors, garden, entrance, and so on. The trainee as a visitor visit the imaginary house in the partner's body. The visitor use his/her own body to make movements to visit the partner as a house.

D) Body chess

Two trainees face each other and move together like a chess game. They react each of partners’ move as quick as possible (but the movement itself does not have to be “quick”) without thinking.

At the end of the session, all the participants do an improvisation in which they can use all tools, they can choose any partners. They have at least three times of pause, in which they can see objectively what happens now.

Thank you,


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