"Teaching dance without teaching dance"
This is what I have been thinking of since I participated in Teach Me (not). It would be better to understand in this way: teaching dance as personal movements without teaching the conventional technique of dance. Or teaching how the students and participants can find their own way of dancing without specific physical movements which most of the people understand as dance. That kind of "teaching" has been always the most important issue for me to teach dance.
I have been teaching dance not at a dance academy or conservatoire. Most of my students unlikely wish to be dance artists. They would not know the history of dance, especially classic ballet and modern dance. Even many of them have not ever seen some dance performances on stage. Moreover the time for teaching is extremely short.
That's why I am thinking of the way of teaching I mentioned above. I wish to teach "the essence of dance". Ofcourse what is the essence of dance is a big question for most of the artists who are concerned dance. However obviously I consider that the physical technique is not the essence of dance. I mean that the technique would be not the first thing to study dance.
In Teach Me (not), most of the sessions I joined did not intend to teach only the physical technique of dance. I appreciate that. These are concerned how "dance" can be related to our life. They are taking account of imagination, utterance, writing, inner circulation of energy and the connection between movements and soul. The essence of dance which I imagine definitely exists in such things.
The experience of Teach Me (not) has deepened the idea of the essence of dance.
I thank very much for all staff, presenters, teachers and partcipants for having given such an experience.