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Vera Lapitskaya Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » Description of a dance and movement lesson for children of 7-10 years old
For the last 6 years I've been working with a community of russian emigrants in Finland offering their children classes of dance and creative movement. I've been giving my classes for children and youngsters from 3 to 15 years old. The main goal of these classes is to help children to express semselves through physical activity and body language. To teach children to better undersdtand their own bodies and to use their capacities in dance, movement and physical games. The classes are meant to support and develop children's creativity and to introduce versatile ways of creating own dance and movement vocabulary. Eventually these classes are meant to give children more reasons to meet and to share positive and happy moments of their lifes.

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Here's an example of one of my classes with children of 7-10 years old.

1.We start the class by walking in the space as we walk on the street.

2. After a while we imagine a situation where we move from the city to the wild forrest. We need to change and to adjust our walk to the new conditions so that we can get through and under the branches of the trees, escape the wild animals and jump over the ditches.

3. We realize that sometimes by getting closer to the ground (to the floor) we find more possibilities to move. And these new possibilities might be more efficient in the situation of the wild forrest.

4. We try to find what could be the quickest way to get down to the ground and to become small. (in other wods, what is the path between being vertical and horizontal, and how we can collect and extend different parts of our body in relation to the floor).

5. We play the game "SPINE". Here're the rules: we walk in the space and after I say "SPINE" everyone has to come up with any movement for the spine and make it on their own. After I say "SPINE TOGETHER" everybody has to find one common movement for the spine which we all repeat at the same time. No verbal agreements or comments are allowed.

6. We play a game "BANANA-STAR FISH" in couples. The idea of the exercise is to help your partner to collect on the floor from the position where all the limbs are extended to the side, to the position where everything is collected around the navel.

7. We play a game "ROLLING STONES". The idea of the game is a very dynamic moving through the space when one part of the group is rolling on the floor with the idea of collection and extention, meanwhile another group is running and jumping over the rolling group.

8. At the last part of the class we share with each other some music or songs which inspired us during the week. We try to creat some simple choreography or movements for this music together.

IMG 3377

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