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182 matches found |
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Reflection on the 10th Kontakt Budapest International Improvisati...
This writing has been done after the 10th anniversary Kontakt Budapest International Improvisation Festival. It took place in Budapest, at SÍN Cultural Center between the 28th of...
This writing has been done after the 10th anniversary Kontakt Budapest International Improvisation Festival. It took place in Budapest, at SÍN Cultural Center between the 28th of...
SECOND HAND recycle me! Jess Curtis Title Fallen
Questions about reclycling me.... Was this text ever used in a performance? These were performed repeatedly over several years. How was this text used in performance? Som...
Questions about reclycling me.... Was this text ever used in a performance? These were performed repeatedly over several years. How was this text used in performance? Som...
How I came to study movement
A brief summary of how I came to study movement.
A brief summary of how I came to study movement.
Awareness Perception Presence - MA thesis
This thesis is centred on a body of somatic movement work that I have been developing for the last four and a half years under the name Awareness Perception Presence – Somatic Mo...
This thesis is centred on a body of somatic movement work that I have been developing for the last four and a half years under the name Awareness Perception Presence – Somatic Mo...
The nexus of these three words... in dance, teaching, creating. Recording of a discussion on value, sharing, silence - a selection of the words, topics, themes.
The nexus of these three words... in dance, teaching, creating. Recording of a discussion on value, sharing, silence - a selection of the words, topics, themes.

By [Multiple Creators]

enthusiasm as essential quality in teaching
planning/not planning a class preparation and presence in teaching teaching means sharing knowledge
planning/not planning a class preparation and presence in teaching teaching means sharing knowledge
The Significance of Sharing
With DaPoPa (Danse Pour Parkinson), choreographer Clint Lutes invites people with and without Parkinson’s Disease to move together
With DaPoPa (Danse Pour Parkinson), choreographer Clint Lutes invites people with and without Parkinson’s Disease to move together
topic for forum based on question.
This is a collection of question, who appeared during the first localworkshop in grenoble. You acn use thoses question who might interest to start a forum and engage discussion....
This is a collection of question, who appeared during the first localworkshop in grenoble. You acn use thoses question who might interest to start a forum and engage discussion....
Oh freedom
A 2 min long video filmed during the local workshop in Ponderosa, Stolzenhagen, Germany. Feat. Peter Pleyer, Sophie Malmberg, Stephanie Maher, Andrea Keiz, Ayelet, Sandra Wieser...
A 2 min long video filmed during the local workshop in Ponderosa, Stolzenhagen, Germany. Feat. Peter Pleyer, Sophie Malmberg, Stephanie Maher, Andrea Keiz, Ayelet, Sandra Wieser...