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Teaching As Performance
This idoc about teaching as performance was created by Steph Maher, Pia Lindy, Kerstin Kussmaul and Malcolm Manning. The time frame was to create this idoc within 1 hour, from star...
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By [Multiple Creators]
6 appreciations    3482 views

Reflection on the 10th Kontakt Budapest International Improvisati...
This writing has been done after the 10th anniversary Kontakt Budapest International Improvisation Festival. It took place in Budapest, at SÍN Cultural Center between the 28th of...
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By Eszter Gal Eligible Member
3 appreciations    1149 views

SECOND HAND recycle me! Jess Curtis Title Fallen
Questions about reclycling me.... Was this text ever used in a performance? These were performed repeatedly over several years. How was this text used in performance? Som...
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By stephanie maher
0 appreciations    810 views

PORCH interview Alicia & Zinnzi
An interview from the participants interviewing each other. Their perspective of learning how to create spontaneous art & dance shorts or singular events while taking part of th...
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By stephanie maher
0 appreciations    2813 views

Communication and/in Movement
Tell me what to do but don’t say anything.
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By Clint Lutes Eligible Member
3 appreciations    1067 views

SECOND HAND recycle me! performance texts
please try this!send us a text, steal or borrow a text, Share the authorship of your thoughts and potential performance masterpieces in becoming part of a living library of our...
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By stephanie maher
1 appreciation    758 views

BEING, DOING, and the SPACE IN BETWEEN what is, what could be, a...
somatics and performance, how somatic values shift perceptions on many levels including motivation, hierarchical structures......
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By stephanie maher
10 appreciations    6157 views

SECOND HAND recycle me Jess Curtis & Stephanie Maher Sex & Gravit...
Notes on sex& gravity Was this text ever used in a performance? These texts were performed repeatedly over several years. How was this text used in performance? The Sex and...
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By stephanie maher
0 appreciations    724 views

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By Aaron Beasley
1 appreciation    2496 views

Zinzi & Alicia- Ugly/Grotesque
Zinzi & Alicia- Ugly/Grotesque
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By Aaron Beasley
0 appreciations    2158 views
