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recycling class two sides of touch Vienna symposium video Jenny Beyer Antoine Effroy Alexander Kerschner LEAP meeting Vienna Symposium LEAP Vienna essentials Contemporary Dance mind the dance Vienna Impulstanz 2018 Hunting gathering Video Process Workflow symposium activity LEAP teacher residency Grenoble LEAP teacher residency essentials of a class games fun Symposium activity Somatics Chi Kung collaboration community complicity togetherness symposium documentation somatics translation processes improvisation Teaching exchange and research study lesson preparation for the day - physical warm-up voice recorder interview performative event true statements education Documentation Laban/Bartenieff Live Documentation Group discussion/reflection score workshop Visual media Documentation Recording Perception Symposium program water Panel IDOCDE Symposium dance education LEAP Symposium collaboration teaching local meeting LEAP meeting LEAP LEAP LEAP meeting local meeting teaching institutions guest convention use of language LEAP - local meeting Swiss local meeting teach me (not)! program Report digital tools Symposium TR LEAP reflection teaching questions choreographer-dancer relationship teacher-dancer relationship 2nd IDOCDE Symposium collaboration LEAP local meeting Swiss LEAP-meeting 1st Swiss LEAP-meeting LEAP meeting local Documenting Leap Teacher Residency Moon Practise Gathering Amsterdam LEAP Teaching Residency teaching residency ultimate phrase 3rd Swiss LEAP-meeting local meeting Switzerland Bern Proposal: 3rd IDOCDE Symposium Co- teaching Form and formlessness improvisation live composition all levels reaction symposium symposium activity feedback The Politics of Form[lessness] Flyer Feedback French audio discussion Local meeting LEAP Stockholm interview Impulstanz teaching sharing methods surrealism resting digesting warm-up Form[less]? Symposium on form and formlessness LEAP Symposium Teaching Form|less Surprise yourself co-teaching Impulstanz 2015 100 days score Swiss LEAP - meeting local LEAP - meeting Food for the Day proposal Symposium proposal 2016 Outdoor Embodied Knowledge symposium unnecessary symposium proposal Improvisation Lecture Key Words Video Documentation REFLEX Europe Reflex Track (EX)change Perspective Poetic feedback Poetic documentation poetry Attention Aesthetics Symposium 2016 symposium 2017 proposal Proposal for Symposium 2017 Performativity queer theory embodiment Proposal partnering ensemble citizenship symposium 2018 Why compromise classes Symposium documentation Photography Kitchen Table Symposium 2017 compromise dance work The Symposium Resistance Fantasies symposium 2018 thoughts questions dance pedagogy holistic approach somatics chamanism symposium 2020 symposium 2021 Symposium 2021
133 matches found

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video documentation ALL recycling class Antoine Effroy & Jenny Be...
Video documentation by Alexander Kerschner of ALL-recycling class on 27th of july at "the return of the idoc"/ Vienna. the class was based on idocs that document Anouk Liaurens's c...
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By [Multiple Creators]
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1st Vienna LEAP meeting
This is an account of the first Vienna LEAP meeting at November 30th, 2013 with Christian Apschner, Andrea Bold, Susanne Hofer, Kerstin Kussmaul (Facilitator), Sibylle Starkbaum.
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By [Multiple Creators]
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On Teaching and the Importance of Being Not - a Seminar
The core questions behind On Teaching and the Importance of Being Not - a Seminar are: What are the skills a person needs in order to live and work (successfully) in today’s env...
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4th LEAP meeting Vienna June 2015
The report of the last of the 4 LEAP meetings, held in Vienna June 27th, 2015 at the Probebühne of the Schauspielhaus while the ImPulsTanz festival dawns on the horizon...
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By [Multiple Creators]
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Mind The Dance Vienna 2018: Documenting/translating a physical ex...
During the MTD Lab in Vienna on July 21st 2018, Anouck Llaurens and Sabina Holzer guided us (the participants) to what I will define as a breathing, crumpling and moving journey....
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By Gwen Rakotovao
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Dance to idocde: documentation through video
Dance to idocde: documentation through video Video - Workflow - Camera - Technology - Computer - Support: Hands-on workshop
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By [Multiple Creators]
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LEAP Teacher residency in Grenoble with the French, Swiss and Aus...
6 essentials of a class identified during the LEAP - teacher residency in Zürich in March 2014 by: Andrea Boll (CH) Anne Garrigues (FR) Juliette Dürrlemann (FR) Sabina Holz...
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By [Multiple Creators]
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101 - a tryout
"101 - a tryout" is an experiment and works with the games from the IDOC "101 games for fantastic fun".
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By Nici Rutrecht Eligible Member
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Experiential lecture on the latest myo-fascial research and the a...
I would like to present my on-going research, which is a combination of Western somatics and Eastern bodywork. I will focus on two specific forms of somatic theory (myo-fascial mer...
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By [Multiple Creators]
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Postconsensual collaboration. A shared lecture on plurality and t...
The lecture of Mariella Greil and Martina Ruhsam aims at giving insights into specific collaborative methods that were developed in the frame of choreographic projects – such as...
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