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Reflection on the 10th Kontakt Budapest International Improvisati...
This writing has been done after the 10th anniversary Kontakt Budapest International Improvisation Festival. It took place in Budapest, at SÍN Cultural Center between the 28th of...
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By Eszter Gal Eligible Member
3 appreciations    1109 views

Improvising Contact Improvisation - Study lab report
Although contact improvisation is improvisational in nature, when one acquires more skills and experience then what I have experienced myself, and think I have seen in others, is t...
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By Malcolm Manning Eligible Member
8 appreciations    1390 views

WIT / walkinhabittouch
This document offers several ways of the recording / capturing of Tamás's class. It contains a transcription with notes by Eszter and Tamás; a PDF image collage reflection of Zol...
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By [Multiple Creators]
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An idea about teaching CI in secondary school... This article was published in Contact Quarterly in 2010.
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By Tímea Györke
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Peter Pleyer teaching in Budapest 2012
Peter Pleyer taught a weekend workshop in Budapest as part of the 5th Contact and Improvisation Celebration Day - CI 40! at Trafó. It is a video documentation of his Sunday class...
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By [Multiple Creators]
1 appreciation    1172 views

The Head and Upper Extremities in Contact Improvisation
This is a paper I wrote for my MA studies in Contemporary Dance Pedagogy in Frankfurt am Main. Since then, I've taken this work to a class called "Head First", researching the role...
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By Ulla Mäkinen Eligible Member
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Kontakt Budapest 2012
This is an edited video of the Kontakt Budapest 11th International Improvisation Festival, took place in Budapest from the 2nd to the 8th of July, 2012 at SÍN Culture Center. Vi...
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By Eszter Gal Eligible Member
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[hun] Contango Workshop plan
co-teaching with Tamás Bakó how we mix contact improvisation and argentin tango it is in hungarian - still - :) later I will post how the class changed and why.
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By [Multiple Creators]
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impressions at the Stolzenhagen meeting 2012 August
Please find here some of the pics I made in silence, in witnessing somebody else, in working on how to document our processes.
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1 appreciation    469 views

co-teaching (interview Andrew Harwood & Chris Aiken, part 1)
A video-skype interview of Andrew Harwood and Chris Aiken, who teach together improvisation and contact-improvisation, since several years. What is co-teaching ? How to teach t...
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By Nicolas HUBERT Eligible Member
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