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Floor Bar for Contemporary Dancers
This floor bar developed by the New Yorker ballet teacher Jean Hamilton was transmitted to me through Mary Overlie. Its reduced exercises on the floor offer a physical training foc...
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By Sylvia Scheidl Eligible Member
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More Power, Clarity and Individuality
Supporting dance artists, helping their movement language to more power, clarity and individuality is important to me. That is why, in my teaching, I focus on the body’s permeabi...
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By Andrea Fäh Eligible Member
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Experimenting with BJJ
This essay is about my one year research learning Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I write about the steps my body and my mind went through during this personal journey. What were the new thin...
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By Zsuzsa Rozsavolgyi Eligible Member
1 appreciation    930 views

Previous Class - Muscular Dynamics
These classes were developed in order to assist all types of dancers in a better recognition of their own body and also in order to assist people in general interested in the post...
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