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instant composition improvisation authentic movement creative process myoreflex movement integration Movement Analysis Exploration Feldenkrais Movement Research partnerwork movement research experiential anatomy Partner Work movement exploration everything authentic movement recycling Image meditation perception awareness site-specific experiential Movement perception embodiment perspective and Somatic work CI Movement and Dance Therapy movement exploration writing drawing meditation image authentic movement photography moving image perception mind Movement Research Teaching research Somatics Touch and Movement movement and language mapping ecriture automatique Somatic movement joint perception connected and isolated joints instant-choreography generating movement being in a score moving-talking release technique physical dance Acrobatics Ideokinesis Water movement kinesthetics Improvisation Somatic Dance Therapy Life Education Movement Research Somapoétique Dance and literature consciousness body-mind memory Movement Research symbolic choreography kinesthetics intuition embodiment hermeneutic society and awareness teaching Contemporary/Modern Dance Flow & Quality of Movement Permeability & Strength Dance Material with Emotional Content Creative movement Children Imagination respiration ideokinesis water movement spirals kundalini warm up Acrobatics Tempo Duration improvisation acting movement exploration creative movement children imagination body awareness eating disorder Conscious Use of Breath Permeability of the Body site-specific movement and voice breathing improvisation somatics intuitive movement connectedness improvisation creativity work with children Feedback system reflection what do / can words evoke? dance notation movement writing Water movement navel space radiation developmental movement patterns BMC® Systems Theory body awareness; physiology; Creative movement; creative process navel space-six limbs relationships partnering Practices with some principles and techniques of contemporary dance movements Movement voice improvisation movement research radical empiricism teaching movement exploration improvisation class Dance in Cambodia Amrita Performing arts body memory performance Dance Movement Therapy Contact Improvisation motivs to move physical awareness functional structures and organic tissue Somatics and other tools for movement creation improvisation composition and performance. Softness and mildness are the main characteristics of this method. To develop strength flexibility and coordination in a process in which instead of working with too much strain the musculature must flow. The specific exercises of The method concentrates on movement mechanisms of the musculature. Deepen knowledge about the movement mechanisms in the body. movement class for actors & dancers warming up arabesque functional movement state-based research Movement Research pole dance discussion Contemporary Dance local workshop nature movement time movement and dance education; arts education; kinesthetic awareness; embodied knowledge; meditation and mindfulness; transformative learning. dance style task difficulty movement learning motion capture dance Spine Movement Acrobatics teaching videography photography portraits contemporary dance performing arts feat. fine arts alongside dance floors transformation processes opening channels transforming movement into pictures transforming pictures into movement shamanic potential magic clowning the body is a brain a frame is a compromise compromises are freedom Teaching research sensorial Urban Movement. writing Observation Outdoor dance training dance education somatics given movement material play playing playfulness movement kinesthetics intelligence Improvisation Movement Research Documentation Drawing Visual Landscape Safety Movement Patterns contact improvisation sense-making language performance feldenkrais ideokinesis documentation tools sacrum research anatomy laboratory pedagogy exchange mentoring dramaturgy articulation Ideokinesis horton technique head reaction support automatic writing body and words soft activism personal pragmatic modes of teaching Matthew Smith Sabina Holzer Vienna rethinking dance history Stolzenhagen meeting class proposal Photography Documentation decisions story public space teacher student relation space to learn history of idocde vision of idocde photo dance history tools to put an idoc online touch history workshop photos autonomy classes students collaboration community Symposium activity complicity togetherness stories co-teaching teaching together improvisation/composition dance language rhetorics linguistics performative experimental anatomy somatic sensation spatial&emotional communication where to go how? responsibility water street observation Voice memory somatics ballet education Contemporary Dance Louise Chardon anatomy fascia anatomy improvisation documentation Liquid Matrix Tomas Danielis sacrum sternum occiput BMC Louise Chardon anatomy somatic sensation contemporary dance teaching methods partnerwork education Video Stolzenhagen spiral dance teachers Belgium talks discussion idocde Saturday Morning Class: Andrea + snapshots of gatherings idocde conference Wien July 13 class: to let go and begin again Touch Poetic documentation Drawing as feedback feedback system composition poetic documentation recycling class two sides of touch Vienna symposium video Jenny Beyer Antoine Effroy Alexander Kerschner loop of sensation & dance & reflection membranes touch philosophy of time definition of dance tool box Tools Media Proposal repertory choreography preventative effects free from aestetical concepts anatomical understanding artistic source Ideokinesis; experiential anatomy; biomechanics; touch and being touched Pictorial workshop Space and Perspective teach me (not)! hierarchy methodology Guiding a process towards Performing (Ballet / Somatics) Contemporary Ballet Archive sharing methods digital tools experiential anatomy improvisation Report Symposium dance education awareness Butoh persona People meta-academy connection Photos circle get to know eacht other Teach me (not)! documenting from 2-D to 3-D choreographic protocols speaking and moving mediation ballet contemporay dance Teaching methods Teaching research performative practices and devising dancetheatre decolonizing the body mindfully making and unmaking the somatic body states-of-being / Butoh teaching questions The poetry of technique: an exploratory contemporary dance class Outdoors Story telling writing perception sensitivity approach to dance Local meeting LEAP Stockholm interview Composition class Dance history dance ethnography multi-culturalism somatic teaching functional imagination somatic teaching improvisation individual group autonomy creativity functionality laboratory work improvisation score contactimprovisation lineage inspiration personal competence teaching kids toolkit artistic practice paving the way to fly relationships motivation learn and teach attention confidence freedom The shape: starting from a feeling and arises from an observation. The bodies present. The risk zone and exhibition. Opening to the unusual experience. Kitchen Table Eating Together improvisation class repertory Anatomie - Analyse du mouvement - Barre à terre - Technique somatics translation touch contact improv somatics touch translation contact improv Perception preparation data interpretations Contemporary Dance anatomy Analysis Theory improvisation politics common good democracy sensorimotor development poetry drawing as refelxive tool Tuning scores Symposium documentation Photography Kitchen Table Symposium 2017 MINDTHEDANCE own practice sharing experiment mind the dance edible documentation real time documentation fascia as narrator Mind the Dance Lab Fascia as narrator Coaching Scratchin the script Art Meaning Experience poetry surrealism documentation practices and tools Real Time Documentation Encounter and Context Fasica as Narrator solo improvisation weight tossing rolling Speaking self-study artistic research anti-colonialism antifascism Dancing to Silence
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Composition based on Authentic Movement
The description of a process I developed for an improvisation / compositional class that is based on Authentic Movement. It includes comments of participants. I find this to be esp...
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By Kerstin Kussmaul Eligible Member
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The Psoas Connection
This is my Stolzenhagen proposal. It is a technique / training class, it can be either 105 or 120 minutes long. I propose the 1st class of my psoas connections series.
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By Kerstin Kussmaul Eligible Member
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Developmental Patterning: 'From inner connectivity to outer expre...
This movement exploration will focus on the process within and between each of the developmental stages, leading towards fully expressive contralateral movement. Duration: 1...
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By Roos van Berkel Eligible Member
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Feldenkrais Practice - Movement Research - Partner Work
This IDOC documents a general introduction and description of a team-teaching format that connects the Feldenkrais Method to contemporary dance an performance practice. The conten...
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By (inactive user)
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stolzenhagen class proposal - IN - FORM(ed) - flow
This idoc is a proposition for a class in Stolzenhagen meeting. It is a proposal for a 120 minutes movement research class, focusing on internal relations between structures,...ex...
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By Anja Bornsek
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Feldenkrais Practice - Movement Research - Partner Work / Exempla...
This IDOC documents an examplary lesson and is linked to the IDOC about the general structure and content of a team-teaching format by Sascha Krausneker and Gerog Blaschke with the...
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By (inactive user)
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By Bruno Listopad Eligible Member
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ALL-recycling class proposal for Vienna symposium
Only five percent of the universe consists of matter that is known to us. Let's try to move into the unknown 95%! With their last shared project “ALL” as a starting point Jenn...
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By [Multiple Creators]
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Movement and Perception
Final essay written in 2006 as part of my studies at Dance Unlimited/ Amsterdam Master of Choreography.
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By Nicola Balhuizen Hepp Eligible Member
1 appreciation    602 views

About Lisa Nelson's work
This is an article i wrote about Lisa Nelson's Work. She is one of my source and I find it useful to have a small presentation of her work and its background to share with my stude...
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By Anouk LLaurens Eligible Member
7 appreciations    6359 views
