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BMC® Tuning scores composition somatics perception composition class BMC® Tuning scores Perception composition Documentation Composition Tunings scores BMC® BMC® Tuning scores Integrated dance Tuning scores Poetic documentation Integrated documentation warmup tuning class description Exploration body states composition workshop site-specific
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TTT meeting Brussels, class proposal Eva Maes and Anouk Llaurens
The two movements proposals that will dialogue in this co-teached class( Eva Maes ‘Fluid Pathways’ and Anouk Llaurens ‘What is the shape of your visual field’), is a prolon...
The two movements proposals that will dialogue in this co-teached class( Eva Maes ‘Fluid Pathways’ and Anouk Llaurens ‘What is the shape of your visual field’), is a prolon...

By [Multiple Creators]

Spectrum of the senses I : A Tuning Scores and BMC® based work s...
The written proposal for the first workshop of a series that will investigate the spectrum of the senses, offering an in-depth exploration based on the approach of Body-Mind Cente...
The written proposal for the first workshop of a series that will investigate the spectrum of the senses, offering an in-depth exploration based on the approach of Body-Mind Cente...

By [Multiple Creators]

Spectrum of the senses I : A Tuning Scores and BMC® based worksh...
An audio document : Participants respond to the question: Why are you here ?
An audio document : Participants respond to the question: Why are you here ?
Spectrum of the senses I (day 1 ) : A Tuning Scores and BMC® ba...
Program , drawings and audios recordings.
Program , drawings and audios recordings.
Spectrum of the senses I ( day 2) : A Tuning Scores and BMC® ba...
Program , audio recordings and drawings
Program , audio recordings and drawings
Spectrum of the senses II : A Tuning Scores and BMC® based work...
workshop proposal
workshop proposal

By [Multiple Creators]

Spectrum of the senses II : A Tuning Scores and BMC® based works...
Program, audio recordings, drawings and texts.
Program, audio recordings, drawings and texts.
Spectrum of the senses III : A Tuning Scores and BMC® based work...
Program, anatomical documents, audio recordings, texts and drawings.
Program, anatomical documents, audio recordings, texts and drawings.
Spectrum of the senses IV : A Tuning Scores and BMC® based works...
Audio documents, anatomical documents, texts and drawings.
Audio documents, anatomical documents, texts and drawings.
Candoco summer lab 2014 - Day 2
The aim of the five day Lab was to train perception and composition awareness through a dialogue between sensorial explorations and their documentation . Here are words, audio and...
The aim of the five day Lab was to train perception and composition awareness through a dialogue between sensorial explorations and their documentation . Here are words, audio and...