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Discovering the Voice Recorder
During this session we will discover how to document an innner dialogue with the voice recorder. How can this tool help us to create a close relationship with ourselves by document...
During this session we will discover how to document an innner dialogue with the voice recorder. How can this tool help us to create a close relationship with ourselves by document...

By [Multiple Creators]

“Co-taught class including outer-environment exploration, group wandering through the neighborhood, visualization of places and objects, training of reflex imagery and words asso...
“Co-taught class including outer-environment exploration, group wandering through the neighborhood, visualization of places and objects, training of reflex imagery and words asso...

By [Multiple Creators]

[FFTD] studying performativity?
how about him for a teacher? please, follow link.
how about him for a teacher? please, follow link.
Voice and movement class
Voice and movement class held in august 2013 in ISLO, Education of dance and somatics, for co-students
Voice and movement class held in august 2013 in ISLO, Education of dance and somatics, for co-students
Thoughts about moving, sounding and shifting liveliness
Experiences in exploring the relationship between movement and voice. Observations about the changes in energy level in us as individuals and as a group, in a workshop situation as...
Experiences in exploring the relationship between movement and voice. Observations about the changes in energy level in us as individuals and as a group, in a workshop situation as...
"Night Fabric"
Exit everyday life, meet us at a special location and dedicate one night to connect with..... An announcement for a hybrid event including dance, writing, sleeping, music and po...
Exit everyday life, meet us at a special location and dedicate one night to connect with..... An announcement for a hybrid event including dance, writing, sleeping, music and po...

By [Multiple Creators]

Touching, sounding and moving from the heart and lungs
Movement and voice class description of the fourth day of a two week teaching period I did at the Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts in Helsinki. Students for the daily...
Movement and voice class description of the fourth day of a two week teaching period I did at the Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts in Helsinki. Students for the daily...
"Night Fabric"- what was actually happening or
interlooping or undoing past events. Our first actual hybrid (something between a dance workshop, chill out zone, living installation, creative process, communal sleeping and ev...
interlooping or undoing past events. Our first actual hybrid (something between a dance workshop, chill out zone, living installation, creative process, communal sleeping and ev...

By [Multiple Creators]