- FULL NAME: Sabine Parzer
- PHONE NUMBER: 0043 676 724 1819
The Serpent in Us, Dancing from our Spine
I am proposing a workshop focusing on exploring the form and function of the spine in relationship to alignment, connectivity and its archetypal energy. As simply as it sounds as self evident as it seems, the spine is the most formgiving element in the body. We will use applied anatomy to get a sense of the individuality and specificity of our partners spine. We will orient the two broader structures, shoulder and pelvic girdle in relationship to the three dimensionality of the spine and extend into the extremities in solo work. And we will play with the connectibility of our dancing from the spine to our partners spine. What happens if we touch and connect to this sensitivity and awareness stored in this bodypart? The form of the serpent, an ancient archetypal symbol for the power of life we carry within our own body. How does it affect our everyday life, when are we aware of it, what gets activated when we dance? In no other structure in the body two main bodysystems come together: the skeleton system and the nervous sytem. I will add the energy system and therefore an opportunity to tap into cellular memory, imagery and the power of full expression when we connect to oursleves and others.
SUMMARY OF CONTENT DESCRIPTION (max 60 words; for publishing) A workshop focusing on exploring the form and function of the spine in relationship to alignment, connectivity and its archetypal energy. Applied Anatomy, somatic solo exploration and contact improvisation.
- SHORT BIOGRAPHY (max 60 words for publishing (if co-taught all in all max 60 words) Sabine Parzer s head and founder of the Institute for Holistic Dance and Movementpedagogy and artitic director oft he ContactFestivalAustria. Her professional experience spans 25 years of teaching, performing, choreographing and researching in the US, Europe, Israel and Brazil.
intermediate to advanced dancers, no max
- TIME REQUEST: 3 – 6 hours
- TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (audio, beamer etc):
- SPACE NECESSITY (studio size etc): according tot he amount of people