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Juliana Neves // Teacher
IDOCs » Iñaki Azpillaga and Robert Hayden's class experience
dancing words and water dance

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Saturday, 8th of June 2013

 This was the last day of our TTT meeting in Belgium ! sniff sniff !

 TTT stands for Teaching The Teachers . It is an initiative from Jardin d'Europe which aims at giving an answer to a European dance scene in need of new teaching and training methods in the field of Contemporary Dance, taking into account the various forms enriching dance creation nowadays, such as dramaturgy, scenography, lighting, visual arts practices, transforming movement into film/image, dance photography. Respective activities e.g. workshops, lasting each of them about ten days - are taking place at the relevant intiatives/venues of the participating co-organisers (Ultima Vez for Brussels

Inaki took us outside the studio and it was a very nice idea. We went for a walk in Molenbek. We sat in a little square and we watched the life around us. He propose us a game of writing words starting with a specific letter. Someone imagines the ABC in their head, someone else says stop and one letter is chosen. Looking for things starting with this letter on the landscape we are, we write funny and amazing things in our papers. We have a great time.

Next game was the chain of words, just write one word and let this word take you to the other word and so on, but stop when it doesn't come right away. one of mine:

"red heat Brazil friends happiness dance sore live sleep pillow comfort bath shower soap smells lavender purple"

 Inaki tells us of a possible application of this exercise in the studio. We can use this chain of words as inspiration to create something. You can have someone else look at it and reflect on how to make movement based on your words. It's also possible to look for: what kind of mechanisms of association, of analogy can you make : sounds of words, conflict of thoughts.

 We go back to the studio and then Rob takes over. Inaki and Rob pour three buckets of water all over the floor of the studio and Rob propose to us: the experience of a wet floor. He guided us through different sensations with the water, from just walking until we were totally wet and sliding and rolling on the floor. I remember the feeling of floating on salt water, my favorite thing in the world !

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After he conducted us to a wave of sound and then each one of us act as conductor of this wave of sounds. We had a great time, and you can see by the pictures I extract from a video recording of this session. Who was there will remember!

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We finish our TTT that afternoon as we gather outside on the terrace and discussed our day and then our week:  the questions that appear, the easy and hard moments , our limitations and how to deal with them, how to melt your interest and your limitations with the rest of the group and we finish by sharing our videos and pictures so we could go on and make idocs if we want.

I will never forget this week together and I hope we find a way for the Belgium group to continue!




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