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Sandra Wieser // Teacher
IDOCs » a sense of…
Text composed in the context of a collective documentation session, during our first local IDOC meeting in Stolzenhagen (D) in May 2012.

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During our first IDOC meeting in Stolzenhagen, teachers were invited to choose a way of presenting themselves as well as their work. Each presentation has been documented collectively by the rest of the group, creating a spectrum of different documents and medias all coming out of the same one event.

This IDOC is a text Stephanie Maher composed out loud while documenting Andrea Keiz's presentation (see Documentation as artistic research) . I happened to record it and transcripted on the computer. This small serie of collective documentations have been good examples to enter the wide conversation the field of documentation opens. Translating, hiding, showing, stealing, composing, creating an ever ending archive of possible traces of an event. 

I'm am not only interested in documenting the teaching itself but also in documentating peripheral meeting and experiences that happen around the teaching. I believe we are fed from those encounters. They are part of who we are and why we teach what we teach. Why shouldn't it they be documented and be part of the this archive? 


there is forgetfulness

there are compermenterlized objects and things 

there are quotes from books

there are things to forget

there are places to go

there is an order to things

there is a relationship to the things

there is a comfort in presenting the things

there is a juxtapujaction of the things 

and there is a psychology about why you are participating in the things

there is a philosophy 

and there is a distance to how you see

and there a sense of going some where

and there is a sense of motion 

and there is the light


(stephanie maher, stolzenhagen, may 2012)

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