user avatarDefne Erdur Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarHeléna Hrotkó // Teacher
IDOCs » Flee Market for Education
Based on their weeklong collaboration & final "playground" sharing the international group of Budapest TTT teachers are representing their process and outcomes on open structured, non-hierarchical learning environment during the 2nd IDOCDE Symposium teach me (not)!. Composed of installations, references, free floating ideas in a playful & performative learning space; their invitation is “trust, be present, learn what you need, teach what you can and enjoy!” Come prepared: what would you like to teach today? What would you like to learn?

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This sharing will be similar to the presentation realized in Budapest, where the participants will be provided with triggering concepts and images in the studio space. Then and there the participants will be able to require subjects or tasks they wish to "learn" from the other teachers who are freely available in the studio. Or teachers will be proposing things they wish to "teach" and interested participants will join in. Eventually small clusters will form around teachers where different groups will be working on different matters. 

The open structure will make it possible to practice co-existing together with different interests and to have multi tasking teachers and students, who are more willing to learn or teach in a playful, somehow chaotic yet focused manner. 

Motivation and pleasure driven learning environment will be open to plant seeds for further exchanges between teachers and students.

Together we will be searching for open and flexible structures with in formal education environments.


For documentation on the whole process of TTT Budapest you can visit helena's blog on ttt budapest.



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(inactive user) Eligible Member // Teacher
I found interesting to really listen to myself what impulses made me make the choices:
which station to visit, staying or leaving it, reading what´s going on when entering a bit later and how to involve myself in that case
or starting something new out of the moment and others joining me... A rich, yet demanding inner task, a bit easier than in real life, tough...

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