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Contemporary Dance and the supportive potential of the organs
This release related series of classes fuse alignment/release aspects, Ideokinesis in the lineage of Mabel Todd, human developmental patterns and the supportive potential of organs...
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By Sylvia Scheidl Eligible Member
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[deu] Erlebnis und Form. Somatische Arb...
Here you will find my German MA thesis I handed in at the end of 2011 as a part of the Masterstudiengang Zeitgenössische Tanzpädagogik, Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kun...
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By Sylvia Scheidl Eligible Member
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Awareness Perception Presence - MA thesis
This thesis is centred on a body of somatic movement work that I have been developing for the last four and a half years under the name Awareness Perception Presence – Somatic Mo...
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By Malcolm Manning Eligible Member
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Stolzenhagen Class - Awareness Perception Presence: Moving from t...
Awareness Perception Presence: Moving from the fish body. Movement workshop based on experiential evolutionary anatomy and the Feldenkrais Method, which also includes time for self...
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By Malcolm Manning Eligible Member
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Water madness Idea
“Even in physical extremities, the sensation of the “light” can never be lost”
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By [Multiple Creators]
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[deu] Ideokinese & Experiental Anatomy
This is a German summary about ideokinesis especially concerning its methododical background and its application to different target groups. It also touches on some elements of mov...
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By Sylvia Scheidl Eligible Member
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water madness vol2 documentation of class/
Class documentation is based on the 5 day profitraining of Sonia Ntova- from 10.00-11.30 /Tanzhaus Zurich june 2014 Comments from Marco Volta,he took the class as participant....
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By [Multiple Creators]
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