idocde » Help

Invitation policy & mentorship

We are looking forward to meet your teaching collegues!

In order to avoid non-active members on idocde, please only invite other dance educators with a genuine interest and ability to share, document and reflect on their work – and support them in becoming an active member, by feedbacking their first idocs and making them aware of idocs that might be of interest for them.

As an inviting dance teacher you become the „mentor“ of your invitee: please help your new idocde-acquaintance to find their way around on the idocde website, explain important features and information (like these guidelines...).

If members remain inactive over a longer period of time, or do not complete their profile, IDOCDE reserves the right to unpublish their profile.

IDOCDE is a personal face-to-face network and therefore accepts profiles only from individuals (not groups, companies etc).IDOCDE also reserves the right to change profile status from teacher to user if the user is not active as a dance teacher in contemporary dance.